Plan your experience in Australia

You would like to experience how is to live in a different country and you are thinking about Australia. Maybe you have applied for a visa, but because of the pandemic situation, you haven’t made it yet. Or you’re not sure, but the idea is to come when the country opens international borders. Whatever your situation is, here are some tips to have the best experience in Australia

First of all, very important: to come to Australia you need a visa. Although in this post we are going to help you more with the day to day experience, it is important to mention it so that you can analyse what type of visa is best for you. What will we talk about? What it’s like to arrive, how is the Australian English, what it’s like to work, how to deal with money, what it’s like to share houses and more!

In this article we introduce you to our collaborator Pili, an Argentinean who has been living in Australia for almost two years and who will be sharing with us her experiences in this country, what it’s like to live here, best destinations, possible holidays and much more!


The second you set foot in the city you have chosen, you might feel a bit anxious, scared, happy and maybe you will go into tears. We know it’s not easy, but don’t worry, many of us have been there. Everything will be fine, just by knowing a little about how some things work here you will have nothing more and nothing less than enriching and beautiful experiences.

There is a lot of information to tell you, but today we are going to summarise some tips to help you feel more at ease when planning your trip:

How is the English language?

The BIG question that many people ask those of us who live in Australia. The reality is that everyone who arrives at first is a bit lost. The Aussies have a very particular way of speaking, they pronounce words in their own style. Don’t worry! The important thing is to know that at the beginning it will be difficult, but as time goes by you will understand absolutely everything. Speak clearly, loudly and keep in mind that you have an accent is important not to be so picky on yourself, you are speaking in your second language, be proud of it!. On the other hand, it’s important to know that you can come here and work without any problems if you have a low level of English, but the better your English, the better job opportunities you will find and the easier it will be to adapt.

Is it easy to get a job?

We could sum it up as “if you can’t get a job, it’s because you’re not looking for one”. It is full of opportunities, but you have to be aware that you have to be willing to work in positions or areas that perhaps in your country you would not do or never did. Hospitality (restaurants/cafés), farms, retail (shops), warehouses, cleaning, construction. The most common way to get them is to go in person to leave your CV and introduce yourself to the manager. Also through Seek, Indeed, Gumtree, which are websites with job offers to which you apply online. In general, they call you for a trial period where they can see how you work. It usually lasts between 2 and 3 hours, after which they will let you know if you got the job or not. The key is to be open to new experiences and to understand that every job you do will help you a lot in heaps aspects of your life.

How do shared houses work?

The most common way is that you live in a house with several other people. There are shared rooms, a room where two people live. Single rooms, which is for one person or a couple. Or private rooms with their own bathroom. The common areas such as kitchen, living room, patio, bathroom are generally shared. The price will be proportional to the benefits. That is to say, a private room with its own bathroom will be more expensive than one with a shared bathroom and a shared room will be even less expensive than the two previous ones. In general there are rules of cleanliness, divisions in the fridge and shelves so that everyone has their own food.

How do I manage my money?

You can easily open your own bank account and you will have a debit card that you will use to pay for absolutely everything. Cash is not very common, in Australia wherever you go you can pay with your smartphone (linking your card to your phone) or with your card by simply getting it closer to the posnet. Paying your rent is by a  transfer using the bank’s app on your mobile phone.

As you will see there is a lot to know, that’s why we will be sharing in detail each of the tips we gave you today so that you know even more about life in Australia.

Remember that each experience is unique and unrepeatable, so always keep your ears and eyes open to read and listen to different opinions to fill you with information. We’ll be waiting for you in the next post! And if there are any topics about life in Australia that you would like us to develop, write to us in the comments or to

Pilar Otaegui

Argentinean journalist who enjoys travelling, being surrounded by nature and being in constant personal growth. Since February 2020 she lives in Australia.

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